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Close up of Endless Summer Hydrangea flowers, large rounded cluster of small blue-violet colored flowers
Endless Summer Hydrangea planted in a landscape, various round clusters of small blue-violet colored flowers with green foliage
Several Endless Summer Hydrangeas planted in a landscape, lots of round clusters of small blue-violet colored flowers with green foliage
Close up of Endless Summer Hydrangea flowers, large rounded cluster of small blue-violet colored flowers
Endless Summer Hydrangea planted in a landscape, various round clusters of small blue-violet colored flowers with green foliage
Several Endless Summer Hydrangeas planted in a landscape, lots of round clusters of small blue-violet colored flowers with green foliage



  • Truly 'endless summer' as large clusters of violet-blue flowers bloom and re-bloom all summer long
  • A showy-sized flowering shrub with exquisite curb appeal as the blooms last three to four weeks
  • The long-lasting, colorful flowers make lovely bouquets and cut flower arrangements
  • A very hardy hydrangea variety 
  • Hand selected fresh from the Grower
  • Ships in a plant-safe designed box

Growth Facts

  • Hardiness Zone: 4-9
  • Mature Height: 3-5' tall
  • Mature Width: 3-5' wide
  • Exposure: Full Sun/Part Shade
  • Spacing: 3-5' apart

Endless Summer® Hydrangea in Bulk

Bower & Branch Trees and Plants

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer' PP15,298

Regular price
Still Growing

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  • Truly 'endless summer' as large clusters of violet-blue flowers bloom and re-bloom all summer long
  • A showy-sized flowering shrub with exquisite curb appeal as the blooms last three to four weeks
  • The long-lasting, colorful flowers make lovely bouquets and cut flower arrangements
  • A very hardy hydrangea variety 
  • Hand selected fresh from the Grower
  • Ships in a plant-safe designed box

Growth Facts

  • Hardiness Zone: 4-9
  • Mature Height: 3-5' tall
  • Mature Width: 3-5' wide
  • Exposure: Full Sun/Part Shade
  • Spacing: 3-5' apart

Why plant Endless Summer® Hydrangea in Bulk?

Purple, pink and blue flowers - oh my! With the Endless Summer® Hydrangea, you'll be able to enjoy all your favorite hydrangea colors AND long reblooming period that only Endless Summer® can bring to your landscape. Being one of the earliest hydrangeas to bloom, there won't be a point during the spring and summer that you won't be able to walk out into your landscape and enjoy the color that Endless Summer® can bring to you. For landscapes that enjoy the visual appeal of decorative containers, Endless Summer® can fill any container with an outburst of color that can be moved around to accentuate any location. The question now is, which color will you choose? To make the most of the growing season and keep the landscape popping with color, Endless Summer® Hydrangeas rebloom! A mophead hydrangea variety, Endless Summer® Hydrangeas are selected for landscapes due to their improvements over other hydrangea varieties available today. Cold hardy and reblooming, you'll be able to enjoy more flowers for a longer period of time without having to fear that an early frost will damage the plant. Endless Summer® also produces flowers on new and old growth meaning that you'll be able to enjoy more of the flowers that you know and love!

How to use Endless Summer® Hydrangea in Bulk in the landscape?

Hydrangea can be used as part of the flowering shrub border or included in your foundation plantings to add color. Try planting it as a flowering hedge for a bold summer display. Plant a mass of Endless Summer® or mix it with other Bigleaf Hydrangea for a color riot!

Planting Zones

Hardiness Zone: 4-9

How To Plant Endless Summer® Hydrangea in Bulk

Hydrangea does best in partial sun, with shade during the hottest part of the day. Bright light will produce the best flowering each summer, but intense sun without sufficient moisture can scorch the foliage. In the northern end of its range, Zones 4 and 5, full sun is not as much of an issue as it is further south. Plant in rich, organic, well-drained soil that is moist but never soggy.

How To Water

When watering your Endless Summer® give your plant a good drink routinely each week, up to twice a week during those warmer months.

How To Fertilize

Fertilize your Hydrangea in the spring, we recommend using our Elements Starter Plant Food in granular form for that annual growing season boost!

How To Prune

Prune in spring once they have leafed out to control height. However, only when necessary as the flower buds are formed the previous summer and fall - you don't want to remove the flower buds! Ideally, do all your pruning after the first wave of flowers is done in the summer.

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