Why plant Lemon-Lime™ Heavenly Bamboo?
Add a bright and citrus-y accent to the landscape with the Lemon-Lime™ Heavenly Bamboo. The bright yellow-green foliage will stand out and become a focal point in any location in the landscape. The glamorous green foliage remains bright green year-round without turning the signature red-maroon of many other bamboos. Dark areas can now be brightened up with the help of Lemon-Lime™ Heavenly Bamboo.
Heavenly Bamboo is native to Japan, China, and India and is referred to as bamboo due to the cane-like stems and leaves similar to that of bamboo leaves. Lemon-Lime originated in 2004 when Richard E. Davis discovered the brightly colored plant in Virginia. Unlike Heavenly Bamboo, Lemon-Lime is not known to spread and become invasive where it is planted.
How to use Lemon-Lime™ Heavenly Bamboo in the landscape?
Lemon-Lime Heavenly Bamboo is a great color addition to any landscape. It is naturally compact in both height and width. While its parent, Nandina domestica can spread and become an issue, Lemon-Lime stays where you plant it. Plus it gets very little fruit to germinate where you don't want them unlike regular Heavenly Bamboo.
Planting Zones
Hardiness Zone: 6-9
How To Plant Lemon-Lime™ Heavenly Bamboo
Lemon-Lime grows best in full sun but can tolerate full shade if that is where this shrub is planted. This shrub prefers soil that is moist, rich, humusy with consistent watering. Once Lemon-Lime is established, this plant can be drought tolerant and is evergreen in warmer climates. Lemon-Lime does not flower or seed.
How To Water
Water twice weekly for the first 3-5 weeks; then water weekly for the remainder of the year until winter. When you water, water slowly and thoroughly. Watering needs may be altered due to extreme weather conditions.
How To Fertilize
Incorporate Elements Starter Plant food granular form into the soil when planting. If planting in spring or summer start fertilizing late fall using Elements Starter Plant food granular form on an annual basis each late year. Continue this for three years to get your plant well established.
How To Prune
With its compact habit, pruning is not going to be much of a concern. When needed, prune in early spring before it begins to grow.