Why plant Daybreak Magnolia?
If you could choose only one Magnolia to have in your garden, the breathtaking Daybreak Magnolia would have to be a prime contender for the spot. This captivating ornamental tree will deliver the 'Wow Factor' to your landscape and stop people in their tracks. In mid-to-late spring, after the earliest Magnolias have finished blooming and when a frost is no longer likely, its huge (8 to 10 inch!) blossoms will burst from fat and fuzzy Pussy-Willow-like buds. The spectacular blooms are rose-pink on the outside and lighter pink within, and they smell divine. Bookmark this page—you’ll be coming back to it if you’re searching for the tree that will reward you with the biggest bang for your buck!
Dr. August “Augie” Kehr was a respected and hard-working American botanist who had a special fondness for Magnolias. He liked to hybridize the different species and see what interesting and unique offspring would result. He gave 31 new Magnolias to the world this way, and of all of these novel collaborations between Tree and Man, he believed Daybreak Magnolia was his greatest accomplishment. To produce his famous tree, he started with a hybrid Magnolia called ‘Woodsman’, which has blossoms painted in an intriguing mix of pale pink, yellow, and green. With it he crossed another hybrid, a rather obscure Magnolia with large white flowers called ‘Tina Durio’. When the new tree flowered, Dr. Kehr knew he had a winner. He introduced Daybreak to the public in the 1980s.
How to use Daybreak Magnolia in the landscape?
Be sure to plant your Daybreak Magnolia in a location for all to see! This unusual columnar form of Magnolia should be planted in high traffic areas - along walkways or on either side of your front door - where you can enjoy the fragrance of the large, rosy-pink blooms!
Planting Zones
Hardiness Zone: 5-9
How To Plant Daybreak Magnolia
Give your Daybreak Magnolia a sunny spot in a well-drained site, and it will be happy. A rich, organic, slightly acid soil will result in the best growth. Like most Magnolia Trees, Daybreak dislikes both very wet and very dry conditions, so plant it a couple of inches above grade to improve drainage and supply it with regular water, especially during the first year or two of establishment. A generous layer of mulch will help in regulating soil moisture levels as well as evening out root zone temperatures. Daybreak doesn’t suffer from the powdery mildew that occasionally afflicts some other Magnolias; in fact, it is free of any major pests or diseases.
How To Water
Water weekly, or better yet, use the Bower & Branch® Water Element to deliver just the right amount of moisture to your tree throughout the growing season.
How To Fertilize
Incorporate Elements Starter Plant food granular form into the soil when planting. If planting in spring or summer, start fertilizing late fall using Elements Starter Plant food granular form on an annual basis each late fall. Continue this for the first three years to get your plant well established.
How To Prune
Due to its columnar stature, pruning isn't typically required. However, it is best done immediately after flowering if needed.