Why plant Golden Shadows® Variegated Pagoda Dogwood?
Pagoda Dogwood gets its name from its branching habit's resemblance to the tiers of a Chinese pagoda. Despite the Asian reference, though, this tree is 100% American, native to swampy areas of the Eastern U.S. Native plant enthusiasts have always admired this small ornamental tree, but it has never really caught on with the general public. Until now. With its luminous yellow variegation, Golden Shadows® Pagoda Dogwood has turned this humble green frog into a prince! You'll love the way the horizontal branching makes the dazzling golden foliage seem to float in space. We are thrilled to offer this rare and special tree that will be the showpiece of your shady borders.
Sometimes a plant, tired of wearing green every day, decides to mix things up. It sends out one branch clothed in leaves flamboyantly splashed with yellow or white. This is what happened to Walt Stackman’s Pagoda Dogwood in the 1990s, and Golden Shadows® was born. Walt, of West Chicago, is known for his daylily breeding, but when this chance mutation, or “sport” as it’s called, appeared on his tree, he knew he had to become a tree introducer too, and he filed for a patent on his marvelous new plant.
How to use Golden Shadows® Variegated Pagoda Dogwood in the landscape?
This Pagoda Dogwood won't be hiding in the shadows! Lime green leaves are edged in gold - colors that just demand attention. Fragrant white flower clusters appear in late spring followed by dark blue fruit - which the songbirds love! Golden Shadows can be used as an accent plant, in rock gardens, in mass plantings and even near water gardens or ponds.
Planting Zones
Hardiness Zones: 3-7
How To Plant Golden Shadows® Variegated Pagoda Dogwood
Give this tree’s needs careful consideration when deciding where to place it. It must have sun to develop its variegation, but too much sun will scorch the leaves. Planting it in the dappled shade cast by a small-leaved tree like Honeylocust might be ideal, but don’t make Golden Shadows® compete with it for water. This tree asks for steady moisture and will lose out in a battle over water rights. A canker disease occasionally affects this tree, so keep it growing vigorously, so it can better fend off attacks.
How To Water
Water weekly, or better yet, use the Bower & Branch® Water Element to deliver just the right amount of moisture to your tree throughout the growing season.
How To Fertilize
Incorporate Elements Starter Plant food granular form into the soil when planting. If planting in spring or summer, start fertilizing late fall using Elements Starter Plant food granular form on an annual basis each late fall. Continue this for the first three years to get your plant well established.
How To Prune
The Golden Shadows Variegated Dogwood does not require pruning due to its small stature. However, like most variegated plants, reversions can occur. So, if you see branching with solid green leaves, prune them out as needed.