Why plant Judy Zuk Magnolia?
A color combination like no other! Vibrant orange, yellow flowers with exquisite sweet pink centers; cheerfully tulip-shaped. An elegant magnolia named in memory of a beloved horticulturist from the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. This columnar hybrid adds a unique flair to your garden with showy bright green foliage and a citrusy fragrance that will envelop your backyard. You would think a stunner like this would be a diva, but it’s actually quite easy to grow and hardier than other magnolias. It is giving you ease of mind - its beauty and brains.
How to use Judy Zuk Magnolia in the landscape?
Ideally planted front and center for all to see, the delightful Judy Zuk Magnolia is a stunning specimen tree. This charming, tulip-shaped blooms offer a delicate fragrance, so plant near your patio or porch to be sure to enjoy the late spring to early summer blooms!
Planting Zones
Hardiness Zone: 5-9
How To Plant Judy Zuk Magnolia
Be sure to plant this stunning Magnolia in a well draining soil in full sun to part shade. Mulch with organic matter and use our Elements™ Watering System to keep the rootzone cool and moist.
How To Water
Water weekly, or better yet, use the Bower & Branch® Water Element to deliver just the right amount of moisture to your tree throughout the growing season.
How To Fertilize
Incorporate Elements Starter Plant food granular form into the soil when planting. If planting in spring or summer, start fertilizing late fall using Elements Starter Plant food granular form on an annual basis each late fall. Continue this for the first three years to get your plant well established.
How To Prune
As an almost columnar form of Magnolia, pruning your Judy Zuk is typically not needed. However, if there are damaged or dead branches, pruning is best performed immediately after flowering.