Why plant Vintage Jade Distylium?
Vintage Jade is a classic evergreen shrub that provides a mix of evergreen foliage and petite red blooms that will delight year after year. A mid-sized shrub, Vintage Jade is a great substitute for other shrubs such as boxwoods, cherry laurels, hollies, and even junipers. Vintage Jade is a very adaptable shrub that can tolerate conditions that span from drought to heat, full sun to shade, and is even fairly disease and pest resistant. This versatile shrub is one you will not want to miss out on, plant Vintage Jade in your landscape today!
Originating from China, Distylium makes up a small grouping of plants that are actually related to witch-hazel. There were three distyliums brought over from China that proved to be popular: Distylium myricoides, Distylium racemosum, and a hybrid between the two. It was the hybrid that attracted Dr. Michael Dirr at the University of Georgia to the DNA and reseeding of this hybrid. Some of the seedlings were selected and patented; Vintage Jade was the first reliable and most interesting of the new distyliums to be patented from the seedlings.
How to use Vintage Jade Distylium in the landscape?
Glossy evergreen foliage has never looked so good! This dense accent comes with layered branching that provides the unique structure that only Vintage Jade has. The natural tendency of this accent is to be bushy which makes this a great candidate for use as a hedge. Deep blue-green foliage adds great evergreen value year round with dainty dark red blooms that bloom late winter, early spring that welcome the warmer weather.
Planting Zones
Hardiness Zone: 7-9
How To Plant Vintage Jade Distylium
One of the hardiest distyliums on the market, Vintage Jade does not require much to be happy and thrive. Feel confident to plant Vintage in any type of soil that sees full sun to part shade. Wet soil, dry soil, Vintage Jade can handle it all! With no pest or disease issues, Vintage will continue to look fabulous all year round! Pruning needs are minimal and are only required if a clean-cut look is desired.
How To Fertilize
Incorporate Elements Starter Plant food granular form into the soil when planting. If planting in spring or summer, start fertilizing late fall using Elements Starter Plant food granular form on an annual basis each late fall. Continue this for the first three years to get your plant well established.