- The whimsical, white flowers - which resemble butterflies - whirl in the breeze
- The blooms appear on vibrant red stems
- Flowers from late spring into early fall
- Beneficial for pollinators and attracts hummingbirds
- Wonderful addition to a mixed perennial border or wildflower gardens
- Hand Selected, Fresh from the Grower
- Ships in a plant-safe designed box
Growth Facts
- Hardiness Zone: 5-9
- Mature Height: 2-3' tall
- Mature Width: 2-3' wide
- Exposure: Full Sun
- Spacing: 2-3' apart
- The whimsical, white flowers - which resemble butterflies - whirl in the breeze
- The blooms appear on vibrant red stems
- Flowers from late spring into early fall
- Beneficial for pollinators and attracts hummingbirds
- Wonderful addition to a mixed perennial border or wildflower gardens
- Hand Selected, Fresh from the Grower
- Ships in a plant-safe designed box
Growth Facts
- Hardiness Zone: 5-9
- Mature Height: 2-3' tall
- Mature Width: 2-3' wide
- Exposure: Full Sun
- Spacing: 2-3' apart
Why plant Whirling Butterflies Wandflower?
Free-flying, whimsical white blooms riding the breeze will set the stage for a fun-loving garden for all to enjoy. Whirling Butterflies are not only great for pollinators, but also great for those who enjoy sitting in the garden just enjoying the blooms all around them. This whimsical plant consists of white buds that are located at the ends of stems that are darker than the foliage from which they sprout. You'll always be entertained with the bright white buds and how they flow in the wind.
Gaura lindheimeri is named after the Texas plant collector Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer. Gaura stems from the Greek work gauros, which means superb. This is in reference to the stunning flowers that bloom in spring.
How to use Whirling Butterflies Wandflower in the landscape?
Snow White in plant form! The stunningly pure white blooms sprout off vibrant red stems, a beautiful color combination for any landscape. Watch as the blooms start to open as they dance in the wind, similar to that of butterflies. Bloom time is extended, spanning from late spring into the fall. This Gaura differs from others because Whirling Butterflies is a compact character that produces an abundance of bright white flowers. It is an ideal addition to cottage gardens, butterfly gardens, mixed borders and more!
Planting Zones
Hardiness Zone: 5-9
How To Plant Whirling Butterflies Wandflower
Wandflowers are tap-rooted plants that need good draining soil; it's a plant requirement! Soil preference for Gaura is loamy, sandy located in full sun. Since Gaura is a tap-rooted plant, it tolerates some drought, heat, and even humidity. If soil is too rich, the stems may become skinny and fall over.
How To Water
Water deeply and consistently during the first growing season. Once established, it is heat and drought tolerant.
How To Fertilize
Incorporate Elements Starter Plant food granular form into the soil when planting. If planting in spring or summer, start fertilizing late fall using Elements Starter Plant food granular form on an annual basis each late fall. Continue this for the first three years to get your plant well established.
How To Prune
To encourage a continuously blooming show, be sure to remove spent blooms. In fall, leave the spent flower heads to allow for self-seeding or prune after flowering, and do not be afraid to cut back to half of the plant itself.